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Health & Safety
The health & safety of our children and staff is the number one priority at Tree of Life Childcare Center.
Health & COVID-19
In light of the current climate, we have adopted additional health and safety measures based on CDC guidelines and state & local regulations. We're taking drastic measures to regularly sanitize our center and practice social distanced play when possible. Our practices include, but are not limited to:
​Staying up to date on vaccines, keep current data on file for all children and staff.
Temperature checks upon arrival
Students and staff are required to wash their hands or apply hand sanitizer throughout the day
High-touch surfaces and items will be disinfected throughout the day and each night
Cribs, cots, bathrooms, diaper stations are disinfected after each use
​Group sizes are smaller for potty time
Adult access to the building is restricted to faculty, staff, and essential services.
Pick-up and drop-off will take place outside the campus.
A focus on fresh air with outdoor time and ventilation for building
Hands of students and staff are washed a minimum of 20 seconds
*All disinfectant is 100% childsafe. All staff are current on vaccinations.
Illness Guidelines
Children should stay home if they are experiencing any of the following:
Parents please report the following to our staff:
Any visible symptoms (runny nose, runny eyes, cough, congestion)
Fever above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit
Any contagious or communicable disease (such as flu measles, mumps, etc)
Acute cold
Any contagious or communicable disease
Loose stool unexplained or diarrhea. Nausea, Vomiting, or abdominal cramps
Additional Policies
Safety and Security
Tree of Life Childcare Center has security cameras inside and outside of the facility. We are a fully inspected and licensed daycare facility. We have a fire plan, intruder plan and bad weather plan. We radio to the classroom to have your child brought to the front of the building and a staff member will meet you at the door with your child(ren). No adults are allowed in and out of the building, not only for safety reasons, but for health reasons as well. Our center has reflective windows. There is no visibility to the inside of our facility from outdoors. Unscheduled visits are not allowed.
Sleep Safety
Sleep safety is a major component of our safety training here at Tree of Life Childcare Center. Our little ones, sleep time is vital to their development. We remove all distractions from our nap area, we have teachers monitoring the nap area at all times. Our cribs have no loose fitting covers or sheets, no stuffed animals and the mattress is stiff enough for a safe and restful sleep.
Food Safety
At Tree of Life Childcare Center, we are familiar with food allergies, what preventative measures should be taken to prevent cross contamination, the warning signs, any allergic signs, and in administering first aid. We know that reactions can range from gastrointestinal symptoms to severe life-threatening reactions.
Strategies for talking about food with our students have been developed. Our staff is trained for allergic reaction situations, that is, on the policies and procedures for the immediate actions to take. Our students with allergies, have identification on them, their belongings, and on several surfaces in their classroom. Children are always supervised while eating.
For Breastfed infants
We gladly support the use of breast milk and follow all state guidelines as to the handling, usage and storage of breastmilk.
Most children with food allergies have an emergency care plan in place, if this is not the case for your child and he or she has allergies, there are some helpful links below to help your family get started.